Cookies Policy in Kenya

The Aviator Online website uses cookies. This format suggests that it allows you to be identified and distinguished from other users. So that you understand the types of cookies, their correct use, classification and purpose is presented below. All detailed and up-to-date information about our activities and the processing of personal data is provided in the privacy notice on our website and is available for study at any convenient time.

Learn all about Cookies Policy for Aviator.

What Is a Cookie?

There is a short text file that is downloaded to your computer or portable device when you enter the Aviator Online site. It may contain a unique identifier to differentiate your PC or mobile device from any others. We use “cookies” within this Cookie Notice to describe website cookies and other similar types of technologies (such as pixel tags and web beacons) used to automatically gather personal details from you whenever you visit our websites.

Cookies Source and Categories

Our site uses both its own and third-party cookies. To determine whether a cookie is “first party” or “third party”, you need to understand where it is stored, which varies by website or domain. Initial cookies placed by us and third-party cookies placed by our operators and any data gathered through them is collected by us. Outside third party cookies are specifically described in this Cookie Notice. At times you visit our website, we may also receive cookies from these third parties, who use them to monitor your usage of the site and perhaps other online related activity over time on multiple websites and applications. The data these third parties acquire is directly from your web browser and its use is subject to their privacy policies. Check out the two types of files we may encounter:

Session cookiesare temporary files that are placed in the memory of your browser when you enter a website and are deleted from there when you close it;
Persistent cookiesare cookies that are saved on your computer and may remain there after you restart it.

The Management of Cookies

Cookies are part of task management where we try to provide you with quality service according to your requirements. Of course, this means the safety of all your data. We appreciate your openness and flexibility in your requests. If you wish, you can always make changes to your cookie settings or delete cookies from your device altogether. This option is available to anyone at any time and does not restrict you from accepting one-sided offers. Most internet browsers already have this option built-in, allowing cookies as a default option. You can change this option and customize it as you see fit, including disabling cookies. If you access our site from several possible resources, such as a computer, smartphone or tablet, then make sure that on each of them you have set the settings for collecting Cookies that you prefer.

Changes to this Cookie

Upcoming changes to this cookie alert will be published on this page, making Aviator Online responsible for notifying you about them as they become available. To receive updates or changes to this cookie notice, come back often. To keep you notified of these changes, we make sure to keep the banner/cookie pop-up box up-to-date.


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I am an expert in gambling and sports betting in India. More than 4 years of experience with international and Indian bookmaker brands.

Patel Chandran

Creator and Editor-in-Chief.